Arcanox Guild Tournaments 2017

These are the results of the monthly Arcanox Guild Tournaments in 2017.

December 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3500 Rubies
  • 2500 Rubies
  • 1500 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 69911

Night44, Sasha, IsmirEgal, michelle, GoW, MrObsesion, Trekker, rain, jay, elderlord, Kareem, Sklegacy, WhyOdd, Witschi, Rusherdin, Nauschi, Aethegor, Pei, damg, tihomir, DrKiIIjoy, Mrrshan, MsrPoncho, kirito, 420BlazeIt, kokot, LordNoob, cricri, Zeus, losos, Iván, Arch, miharkula, l3lood, Nilexi, Vendetta, Abibat, biobanane, Arkas, Digimon54321

2. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 67895

boga, hrust, Серж, bomBEERman, Autumnwolf, King, ViFLiEM, Выживший, Kotik89, Элдонисс, Darcus, ENKe1, Влад, Артатамон, Leta, ден, alefan, Kor, Maxhunter, Han, MakarkOFF, ОсеннийЛис, ЛЕОН, антоний, Игорь, PerfectCas, Jah, EZzzz, elMirador, porshen35, SnailMan, vsemdobra, bleckVirus, leonardo, бог, burundi, ShaDoW, Кентохо, hrann, Андрей, 18am, ggg, gengstar, t4t, SAID, МОМО, павел, ролдж, Волхв

3. Secrets

Total score: 61738

Dustan, rakimin, Caoz, Sebi, julian, ottoman, awais, warbync, Achilles, Littlesix, Mappo, capernicol, Brasswick, Reina, rainer, Seppl83, Lekaniwo, didlmaus, Grimmjow, kukloch, Günter, hade, Kor, Dis, alex, Gerroux, jars, Elenotlan, Bilbo, Rasor07, Bigiey, shaheer, Biervernic, jason, ironfrad, Sigi

4. SupFr

Total score: 58586

mesut, Moi, exr, LJDF, valentin, firefox, Thora, momix, Quentin491, VulturE, luluael, MRF, madrox, NOPI, IronLady, Kirito, Wilo, MisterN, kiwille, znia, Glasnöt, Killyox, Pr0di6y, mikasa, okarin, NyuNyu, Lalaa, zazen, shikamaru, aov, migi, mojojojo, kiwelle, Mobpsycho, momochi, clement11, Xyliuj

November 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3500 Rubies
  • 2500 Rubies
  • 1500 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 67639

Sasha, Night44, michelle, Trekker, GoW, MrObsesion, IsmirEgal, rain, jay, kokot, WhyOdd, Aethegor, elderlord, Nauschi, damg, Sklegacy, kirito, cricri, Kareem, 420BlazeIt, Iván, LordNoob, Pei, DrKiIIjoy, Mrrshan, tihomir, Witschi, Rusherdin, szymon, MsrPoncho, losos, Arch, miharkula, Vendetta, Arkas, Бездельник, Nilexi, Abibat, biobanane, Miggarapo, Digimon54321, bobo

2. Saiyans

Total score: 63802

xJOKERSx, alex, Shepard, Asad, EMMI, burundi, Emanuel, Gino24, max, Rasor07, thurandir, renato, magicmouse, malnacido, l3lood, Ramon, avi, ryan, DeKar, JoeyZanz, Atenea, Zerz, ulises21, Ichigo, Vegito, Cborgx, Zoffi, tefy, Yohimbine, Raul, pyre, mcfc, KEOZ, jony73, xMatiasx, palala, Mort, QuickS, PGPanda, Sebas42, Sergio, MARTIN, Estrella

3. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 63347

boga, hrust, bomBEERman, Серж, Autumnwolf, ViFLiEM, Влад, Kotik89, King, Выживший, ден, Darcus, Элдонисс, alefan, Leta, ENKe1, Kor, vsemdobra, ЛЕОН, Maxhunter, PerfectCas, Han, Jah, антоний, Игорь, SnailMan, porshen35, elMirador, ОсеннийЛис, ShaDoW, Юрий, bleckVirus, MakarkOFF, бог, Galleriy, Dru, EZzzz, Тимуджин, Jack, BotKiller, Андрей, ZLOit, leonardo, ГЕФЕСТ, Кентохо

4. SupFr

Total score: 59522

mesut, LJDF, Moi, exr, firefox, valentin, ottoman, Thora, madrox, VulturE, momix, Moufouette, luluael, Quentin491, Glasnöt, NOPI, MRF, Kirito, kiwille, znia, IronLady, Wilo, MisterN, Pr0di6y, NyuNyu, zazen, GSpidex, kiwelle, Lalaa, aov, mikasa, okarin, picky, Killyox, mojojojo, shikamaru, milca, lorenzo, orion, Francis, GSpidou, tom

October 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3500 Rubies
  • 2500 Rubies
  • 1500 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 69849

Sasha, burundi, michelle, IsmirEgal, GoW, Night44, Trekker, rain, kokot, jay, Kareem, Aethegor, kirito, elderlord, cricri, DrKiIIjoy, damg, Nauschi, Sklegacy, szymon, 420BlazeIt, LordNoob, MrObsesion, Pei, Mrrshan, MsrPoncho, Witschi, tihomir, Iván, Rusherdin, WhyOdd, Nilexi, miharkula, Atenea, Arch, losos, Vendetta, Abibat, Arkas, biobanane, Miggarapo, Kimbojones, Digimon54321, bobo

2. Secrets

Total score: 63666

Achilles, Dustan, Sebi, rakimin, Caoz, LJDF, jars, Moi, Mappo, kukloch, didlmaus, julian, capernicol, max, warbync, Dis, Günter, rainer, Nolito, awais, Brasswick, Reina, Bilbo, Elenotlan, Grimmjow, Gerroux, ironfrad, shaheer, Bigiey, Littlesix, jony73, Valvulita, hade, Sigi

3. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 62456

boga, hrust, bomBEERman, Серж, Autumnwolf, ViFLiEM, Выживший, King, Kotik89, Darcus, vsemdobra, Элдонисс, Влад, Артатамон, ден, ENKe1, 18am, ЛЕОН, Kor, Игорь, Sergabb, SnailMan, Jah, Han, Тимуджин, alefan, bleckVirus, elMirador, porshen35, Юрий, ShaDoW, Galleriy, антоний, бог, BotKiller, Maxhunter, Dru, EZzzz

4. SupFr

Total score: 55809

exr, VulturE, firefox, GSpidex, Thora, madrox, kiwille, Moufouette, Quentin491, Kirito, znia, Wilo, IronLady, NOPI, valentin, mesut, luluael, GSpidou, lorenzo, ottoman, momix, kiwelle, okarin, Lalaa, NyuNyu, zazen, mojojojo, shikamaru, Glasnöt, foickyoi, aov, Francis, milca, Esben, orion, MisterN, Pr0di6y, mikasa, Killyox, tom, kledi, clement11

September 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 68255

Sasha, michelle, IsmirEgal, GoW, MrObsesion, Night44, burundi, Trekker, rain, kokot, jay, Kareem, kirito, damg, elderlord, Sklegacy, WhyOdd, Nauschi, cricri, szymon, Rusherdin, Mrrshan, MsrPoncho, Pei, Witschi, tihomir, DrKiIIjoy, Nilexi, Aethegor, miharkula, losos, Atenea, 420BlazeIt, Miggarapo, Arch, LordNoob, Iván, Abibat, Vendetta, biobanane, Arkas, Kimbojones, Digimon54321, bobo

2. Secrets

Total score: 59905

Dustan, Achilles, jars, Caoz, rakimin, Moi, max, LJDF, Mappo, warbync, kukloch, Nolito, Dis, awais, Sebi, capernicol, Bilbo, Elenotlan, rainer, ironfrad, didlmaus, Gerroux, Valvulita, renato, julian, Günter, Brasswick, shaheer, Reina, Grimmjow, Littlesix, jayce, hade, Sigi, Tumbero, Firewave

3. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 59481

boga, hrust, Серж, bomBEERman, Kotik89, King, Autumnwolf, Тимуджин, Элдонисс, Darcus, Артатамон, ViFLiEM, 18am, vsemdobra, Выживший, Maxhunter, ENKe1, PerfectCas, Han, Volga, Игорь, Jah, SnailMan, ЛЕОН, ден, vendeta, Dgcim1, finger, porshen35, павел, Kor, идунавы, alefan, elMirador, Ninju, bleckVirus, BotKiller, t4t, Юрий, Andres, ShaDoW, Арал

4. Saiyans

Total score: 49450

Asad, Shepard, StickyG, magicmouse, mesut, ottoman, Zerz, malnacido, ryan, Mort, avi, Vegito, Cborgx, Yohimbine, DeKar, jony73, QuickS, Zoffi, Hero, KingAnel, THY, synch, KEOZ, Darkam, Zeus, PGPanda, Bigiey, vastian, mcfc, GaboGerez, hopeless, Boom, Estrella, Flame, Ducker, Kasey, Seer, yajui, Victor, Алви, RoMpEcElA

August 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 68473

burundi, michelle, GoW, IsmirEgal, Night44, Trekker, rain, jay, kokot, MrObsesion, alex, kirito, damg, Gino24, cricri, szymon, Sklegacy, elderlord, Kareem, Nilexi, Nauschi, Mrrshan, Pei, DrKiIIjoy, WhyOdd, Witschi, MsrPoncho, Rusherdin, tihomir, ulises21, Arch, Miggarapo, bobo, miharkula, losos, Vendetta, biobanane, Arkas, Abibat, Kimbojones, Digimon54321, Gezzmo

2. Secrets

Total score: 65573

Dustan, Nolito, Emanuel, ULTRON, Sebi, Caoz, didlmaus, Bilbo, jars, rakimin, max, Achilles, firefox, kukloch, LJDF, shaheer, Mappo, Moi, awais, capernicol, adeel, Dis, warbync, julian, ironfrad, Valvulita, jayce, renato, Elenotlan, rainer, Littlesix, Gerroux, Günter, Tumbero, hade, Grimmjow, MARTIN, Sigi

3. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 58451

boga, Sasha, hrust, Серж, Тимуджин, Влад, павел, bomBEERman, King, Volga, Autumnwolf, Kotik89, Выживший, Jah, Артатамон, Han, ViFLiEM, vendeta, Элдонисс, Darcus, vsemdobra, Maxhunter, Игорь, 18am, SnailMan, ENKe1, ЛЕОН, Ninju, PerfectCas, finger

4. Saiyans

Total score: 53994

Aethegor, StickyG, EMMI, Shepard, Zerz, 420BlazeIt, Asad, LordNoob, magicmouse, ottoman, malnacido, avi, synch, Hero, ryan, mesut, Yohimbine, Vegito, Mort, shadow, KingAnel, Kapologo, DeKar, KEOZ, QuickS, Darkam, Cborgx, THY, Zoffi, 14k, hoang111hf, Kasey, ludiqt1, vastian, PGPanda, omarino, mcfc, Flame, skfoxer, Юрий

July 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 68879

burundi, GoW, michelle, IsmirEgal, Night44, Trekker, jay, MrObsesion, rain, alex, kokot, Gino24, damg, Sklegacy, Kareem, szymon, kirito, elderlord, Nauschi, Nilexi, Witschi, gumarang, Mrrshan, Rusherdin, Arch, WhyOdd, Pei, bobo, cricri, tihomir, MsrPoncho, DrKiIIjoy, Arkas, losos, miharkula, Eleanar, Miggarapo, Vendetta, xJOKERSx, Kimbojones, biobanane, Digimon54321, Helmirul, Ramon, Abibat, jhona, Gezzmo

2. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 64911

Sasha, boga, Kotik89, hrust, Тимуджин, Влад, Серж, bomBEERman, павел, Darcus, Volga, Бездельник, Autumnwolf, King, Выживший, Элдонисс, макс, alefan, Maxhunter, ViFLiEM, Jah, Han, SnailMan, vsemdobra, Zavadskij, Kor, t4t, Игорь, Артатамон, 18am, идунавы, Ninju, MakarkOFF, Boom, азамат, KanGar, it2e52l0, ЛЕОН, Dru, Никита

3. Secrets

Total score: 64240

Achilles, Dustan, rakimin, firefox, Sebi, Emanuel, kukloch, jars, LJDF, Asad, shaheer, Caoz, Bilbo, Moi, julian, adeel, Littlesix, warbync, awais, jayce, Elenotlan, Mappo, rainer, ironfrad, Günter, Gerroux, hade, ULTRON, renato, capernicol, Nolito, MARTIN, Grimmjow, Valvulita, max, didlmaus, Sigi, Brasswick, Firewave, NeXt

4. Saiyans

Total score: 55384

Aethegor, StickyG, EMMI, Shepard, 420BlazeIt, avi, ottoman, DeKar, LordNoob, mesut, Zerz, magicmouse, thurandir, Harta, synch, Cborgx, tefy, Vegito, ulises21, Mort, Hero, KingAnel, ludiqt1, Kapologo, 14k, Kasey, Dis, Yohimbine, Darkam, Rasor07, KEOZ, malnacido, Alanthas, fadli, Zoffi, lohit, QuickS, Elerian, omarino, shadow, THY, faizretroz, PGPanda, Gru, Ichigo, Reina, Flame, nitsujcm

June 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 66146

michelle, IsmirEgal, Sasha, GoW, Trekker, rain, jay, MrObsesion, kokot, bomBEERman, Sklegacy, damg, Kareem, elderlord, WhyOdd, Mrrshan, Damy, Nilexi, xJOKERSx, DrKiIIjoy, alex, Pei, Digimon54321, Arch, MsrPoncho, tihomir, Ramon, bobo, Bob, Rusherdin, Witschi, Sloth, Gino24, Vendetta, Eleanar, gumarang, Helmirul, biobanane, Miggarapo, losos, miharkula, Kimbojones, Abibat, MRF, jhona, Arkas, Gezzmo, Bloodh, emo5rov

2. Secrets

Total score: 61552

Achilles, Mappo, rakimin, firefox, Dustan, shaheer, Sebi, kukloch, jars, LJDF, adeel, awais, jayce, Bilbo, Günter, Asad, burundi, julian, Moi, Gerroux, rainer, Elenotlan, ironfrad, Emanuel, hade, Littlesix, VulturE, cricri, Osurak, didlmaus, Brasswick, Sigi, Firewave, wert, NeXt

3. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 58994

boga, Тимуджин, Влад, hrust, Kotik89, Darcus, павел, Volga, Серж, alefan, Выживший, Autumnwolf, King, Артатамон, Элдонисс, Maxhunter, vsemdobra, Kor, Han, 18am, ViFLiEM, Ninju, SnailMan, макс, Jah, Игорь, t4t, Sergabb, Dru, vaza, KanGar, идунавы, Бездельник, леся, Boom, Алексей, Никита, branbylet, ProMolord, MakarkOFF, it2e52l0

4. Saiyans

Total score: 52629

Aethegor, Shepard, StickyG, Zerz, 420BlazeIt, mesut, ottoman, avi, LordNoob, magicmouse, Vegito, Harta, Cborgx, DeKar, lohit, synch, Darkam, Kasey, Mort, Yohimbine, ludiqt1, Kapologo, Sckam, KingAnel, Elerian, thurandir, faizretroz, KEOZ, LucasF, Alanthas, nitsujcm, Fauzy, raulin789, Flame, Hero, Ichigo, QuickS, fadli, 14k, Gru, PGPanda, flo, THY, Winner, юрик, Fantastic, kirito

May 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 68745

michelle, IsmirEgal, Sasha, Trekker, Nilexi, GoW, jay, kokot, MrObsesion, rain, Bob, bomBEERman, Sloth, Abibat, Kareem, Kimbojones, Witschi, biobanane, Sklegacy, Vendetta, Mrrshan, DrKiIIjoy, elderlord, damg, Pei, Eleanar, gumarang, bobo, MsrPoncho, tihomir, capernicol, Arch, Ypsilon, Miggarapo, Damy, Gezzmo, Digimon54321, Rusherdin, emo5rov, Helmirul, miharkula, Arkas, losos, Bloodh

2. Secrets

Total score: 62138

Achilles, Night44, shaheer, jason, rakimin, Sebi, firefox, Dustan, Bilbo, adeel, Asad, jars, kukloch, LJDF, Elenotlan, Moi, Günter, VulturE, rainer, awais, Mappo, Littlesix, julian, wert, Osurak, Gerroux, cricri, Mike, hade, didlmaus, Firewave, emilok, jayce, ironfrad, Brasswick, Sigi, Shadowhunt, NeXt


Total score: 61688

burundi, renato, alex, xJOKERSx, Dracko, ULTRON, max, Ramon, Nolito, JoeyZanz, thurandir, Emanuel, Caoz, Nauschi, warbync, kirito, Atenea, Dis, Valvulita, ulises21, Tumbero, vergoso, jedud, jhona, palala, Rasor07, Gino24, xMatiasx, mangazo, criss, Viru, EMMI, malnacido, apoolox, martinsupe, Felipe, Grimmjow, LÁZARO, Alan, MARTIN

4. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 59092

boga, Darcus, Тимуджин, Влад, Kotik89, hrust, alefan, King, ViFLiEM, павел, Выживший, Артатамон, Volga, Autumnwolf, SAM, Серж, Dgcim1, Maxhunter, samuelsm, 18am, Han, vsemdobra, SnailMan, Kor, Ninju, Divergent, Игорь, Dru, азамат, branbylet, Элдонисс, Jah, RaugMoss, Никита, t4t, KanGar, идунавы, Litril

April 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 67897

Sasha, boga, Leta, Arch, bomBEERman, Darcus, AHAHAC, павел, Влад, ден, ViFLiEM, Тимуджин, Отай, Серж, Kotik89, Zavadskij, Артатамон, King, hrust, макс, Выживший, 18am, alefan, Sergabb, SAM, qasqad, Pups, Volga, Autumnwolf, Бездельник, samuelsm, Maxhunter, квэбэп, SnailMan, vsemdobra, Han, Dgcim1, Kor, азамат, Игорь, branbylet, RaugMoss, vaza, Sloth, идунавы, леся, Никита, Dru, Divergent, Ninju

2. GERda

Total score: 67412

michelle, Trekker, IsmirEgal, GoW, Nilexi, rain, jay, Vendetta, Bob, Abibat, Kimbojones, kokot, Aethegor, 420BlazeIt, Sklegacy, MrObsesion, Kareem, damg, elderlord, LordNoob, Pei, DrKiIIjoy, Bloodh, Eleanar, emo5rov, Mrrshan, biobanane, tihomir, MsrPoncho, Witschi, Digimon54321, Miggarapo, capernicol, Kurunja, Helmirul, Ypsilon, Rusherdin, Gino24, bobo, WhyOdd, Arkas, miharkula, losos, Gezzmo

3. Secrets

Total score: 63760

Achilles, Night44, shaheer, jason, Sebi, rakimin, adeel, cricri, Mappo, didlmaus, Bilbo, firefox, Moi, Littlesix, kukloch, wert, Asad, LJDF, Dustan, hade, Günter, Elenotlan, VulturE, jars, Firewave, rainer, Mike, Gerroux, Osurak, julian, emilok, awais, Sigi, Flame


Total score: 58758

burundi, Dracko, Valvulita, alex, JoeyZanz, xJOKERSx, ULTRON, thurandir, Nolito, max, Caoz, EMMI, Nauschi, warbync, Dis, kirito, renato, Emanuel, vergoso, Ramon, Atenea, ulises21, jhona, Tumbero, jedud, tefy, Viru, palala, Elena, mangazo, ivan, Zoffi, apoolox, Grimmjow, raulin789, elrey, skskd

March 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 70615

michelle, IsmirEgal, Trekker, GoW, Nilexi, jay, kokot, rain, Vendetta, Arch, Bob, Влад, Aethegor, MrObsesion, Kimbojones, Kareem, DrKiIIjoy, Sklegacy, Bloodh, Gino24, Pei, 420BlazeIt, Abibat, Mrrshan, Gezzmo, Eleanar, damg, biobanane, Arkas, emo5rov, elderlord, bobo, Miggarapo, Ypsilon, tihomir, Helmirul, Rusherdin, MsrPoncho, Witschi, capernicol, WhyOdd, Pups, Favnir, Daron, LordNoob, Digimon54321, Winder, miharkula, losos, Kurunja, VictorHz

2. Secrets

Total score: 64443

Achilles, Night44, jason, shaheer, Sebi, didlmaus, Mappo, Lhayze, rakimin, Osurak, adeel, firefox, Moi, VulturE, kakloch, Littlesix, Elenotlan, Asad, LJDF, Günter, Mike, cricri, jars, rainer, awais, hade, Gerroux, Sigi, emilok, Bilbo, exr, milca, DDark, zelda30, Flame, spart, Firewave

3. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 63903

Sasha, boga, bomBEERman, Darcus, Тимуджин, ден, Отай, павел, ViFLiEM, Выживший, Артатамон, qasqad, Серж, Volga, hrust, SAM, макс, Бездельник, квэбэп, samuelsm, Autumnwolf, 18am, Maxhunter, Atlant, Игорь, RaugMoss, Han, SnailMan, Sergabb, Kor, King, vaza, Kotik89, branbylet, идунавы, AHAHAC, t4t, азамат, vsemdobra, леся, Leta, Dgcim1, dehuc, cofemanka, Sloth, Никита, GreenLine


Total score: 59643

ULTRON, Dracko, alex, JoeyZanz, Nolito, Caoz, ivan, max, Dis, renato, Emanuel, thurandir, EMMI, warbync, ulises21, Nauschi, Valvulita, Tumbero, Atenea, szymon, Viru, Porcellone, jedud, kirito, xJOKERSx, Xef, alex, jean1999, Elena, burundi, TheMegaCT, jhona, JOSE, apoolox, AlexandeR, MARTIN, elrey

February 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 65867

michelle, IsmirEgal, Nilexi, Trekker, GoW, Abibat, Vendetta, jay, rain, kokot, Arch, MrObsesion, Bob, DrKiIIjoy, Влад, Kimbojones, Aethegor, biobanane, Kareem, Sklegacy, Gino24, Bloodh, Pei, Rusherdin, Gezzmo, Mrrshan, 420BlazeIt, Ypsilon, Eleanar, Daron, emo5rov, VictorHz, bobo, Favnir, Helmirul, Witschi, MsrPoncho, tihomir, damg, Pups, capernicol, Miggarapo, losos, WhyOdd, Max, miharkula, Arkas, Digimon54321, Winder, Amon

2. Secrets

Total score: 61068

Night44, Achilles, Osurak, shaheer, jason, rakimin, alex, Sebi, Günter, xJOKERSx, cricri, Littlesix, adeel, Moi, VulturE, Mappo, LJDF, kakloch, firefox, Elenotlan, didlmaus, Gerroux, awais, 18am, rainer, jars, Lhayze, jhona, pixx, Sigi, Mike, zelda30, Asad, apoolox, Flame, spart

3. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 54267

Sasha, павел, ден, boga, Darcus, Тимуджин, Бездельник, ViFLiEM, Отай, Выживший, SAM, макс, Артатамон, qasqad, Volga, квэбэп, samuelsm, Han, Серж, SnailMan, Maxhunter, Logos, Игорь, finger, King, t4t, hrust, Kor, Slach, Екатерина, VOVIK, RaugMoss, ShaDoW, Troll, cofemanka, Divergent, Никита, леся, идунавы, branbylet, Autumnwolf, Dgcim1


Total score: 53385

JoeyZanz, Dracko, szymon, max, Dis, Caoz, renato, ULTRON, Nolito, Emanuel, thurandir, burundi, Valvulita, warbync, Ramon, jedud, EMMI, ivan, Atenea, kirito, Raul, JOSE, Viru, Elena, SurVivoR, ulises21, Tumbero, popiandro, jean1999, ShadoW, xGian, Xef, Apex, Porcellone, YaLoSabes, pekeszymon, kuku, Dexus, utgard, Maca, cesar, Radamantis, Crishoc, alex

January 2017

The Top 4 Guilds received (divived among the top 40 members based on their weighted score):

  • 4500 Rubies
  • 3000 Rubies
  • 2000 Rubies
  • 1000 Rubies

1. GERda

Total score: 67592

michelle, IsmirEgal, Trekker, GoW, Abibat, jay, Arch, Nilexi, rain, kokot, Bob, Kareem, Kimbojones, DrKiIIjoy, Vendetta, biobanane, Aethegor, Влад, Arkas, Sklegacy, Pei, Bloodh, Mrrshan, Helmirul, emo5rov, bobo, pawel, Eleanar, Daron, Favnir, Pups, Артатамон, Gezzmo, capernicol, Miggarapo, miharkula, faktum, Ypsilon, tihomir, Witschi, Max, vergoso, MsrPoncho, Yurga, fackel01, 420BlazeIt, Rusherdin, losos, duelist, vaza, Sloth, LordNoob, Digimon54321, Amon

2. Secrets

Total score: 66518

Achilles, Night44, Osurak, Günter, zelda30, jason, shaheer, rakimin, cricri, xJOKERSx, jhona, Mappo, adeel, thurandir, Littlesix, didlmaus, LJDF, Bilbo, Gerroux, VulturE, Moi, Elenotlan, kakloch, jars, spart, awais, Sebi, Sigi, Bolld, Shaha, 18am, rainer, VOVIK, pixx, Kalmina, Flame, Hervvv, Apex, emilok, Mantorick, Winder, shadow, apoolox, berseker, DDark, firefox, BlackBeard, cannabix, Lhayze, dowinky


Total score: 58063

MrObsesion, burundi, ivan, ULTRON, Caoz, alex, Dracko, Nolito, Gino24, szymon, max, Valvulita, VictorHz, renato, EMMI, JoeyZanz, Dis, jedud, Raul, damg, Elena, kirito, Damy, ulises21, anel, JOSE, ShadoW, xGian, jean1999, kuku, alex, Xef, WhyOdd, SurVivoR, popiandro, Sebas42, martinsupe, Tumbero

4. ГвардиЯ

Total score: 49494

Бездельник, Тимуджин, ден, Darcus, ViFLiEM, King, Sasha, павел, Выживший, макс, Slach, SAM, квэбэп, Серж, SnailMan, finger, samuelsm, bomBEERman, Logos, hrust, qasqad, Han, Maxhunter, boga, леся, Игорь, Отай, Zavadskij, ggg, Sergabb, RaugMoss, Екатерина, cofemanka, Divergent, Никита, саша, Виктор, Volga, идунавы, zon4ik, hrann, Faraon, t4t